Dental Blog

Can Sparkling Water Harm Your Teeth?

Can Sparkling Water Harm Your Teeth?

​Let's face it, drinking water can get boring from time to time, and we all have a more exciting beverage on hand when a craving strikes. That may be soda, juice, coffee, tea, wine, or sparkling water for some people. But, can these beverages cause damage to our...

How to Properly Brush Your Teeth

How to Properly Brush Your Teeth

​ Circular Brushing Technique  This brushing technique is excellent for children who are learning to brush their teeth. The toothbrush is positioned directly toward the teeth, the mouth can be open (one arch at a time) or closed (both arches at the same time), and the...

Why Are Sports Guards Necessary?

Why Are Sports Guards Necessary?

If you play or have ever played a contact sport, you have probably worn a sports guard. Sports guards are recommended for any sport where there is a risk of contact between people or inanimate objects such as sticks, balls or pucks. Sports guards are recommended for...

How to Keep Your Child’s Mouth Healthy

How to Keep Your Child’s Mouth Healthy

​Ensuring that your child has a healthy mouth free of cavities and gum issues is vital, but it can be hard to know what to do to keep their mouth as healthy as possible. Listed below is an essential guide in maintaining the health of your child’s mouth: Before teeth...

Treat A Tongue Tie With Frenectomy Treatment

Treat A Tongue Tie With Frenectomy Treatment

Before we speak about treating tongue ties, it is important to understand the frenums' role in the mouth. What Is A Frenum? A frenum connects tissue in the mouth. There are several frenums, but we will focus on the three largest frenums. The maxillary frenum connects...