We Are Open During The Modified COVID-19 Lockdown

We Are Open During The Modified COVID-19 Lockdown

​Did you know that our dental office is still open to safely serving you after the province of Ontario’s announcement on Jan. 3rd, 2022, regarding entering a modified Step 2 lockdown to help manage COVID-19 cases?

Our office has invested in medical-grade HEPA air purifiers, which are located in each treatment room and strategically placed throughout other areas of the office. The air purifiers remove harmful contaminants from the air and recycle the air continuously throughout the day to maintain as safe an environment as possible.

In addition to the air purifiers, high-contact surfaces and areas in the office are wiped with sterilizing wipes throughout the day. Patients are screened before their appointments to comply with current guidelines before providing treatment.

If you are experiencing pain or noticing any changes in your mouth, teeth, gums, tongue, etc., do not delay or hold off on treatment. Most dental issues progress to cause more pain, which requires lengthier and costlier treatment. It is vital to maintain adequate oral health by regularly seeing your dental professional monitor your oral health and provide necessary treatment.

If you have any questions or would like to schedule a dental exam or dental cleaning, please contact us today.


Can Sparkling Water Harm Your Teeth?

Can Sparkling Water Harm Your Teeth?

​Let’s face it, drinking water can get boring from time to time, and we all have a more exciting beverage on hand when a craving strikes. That may be soda, juice, coffee, tea, wine, or sparkling water for some people. But, can these beverages cause damage to our teeth? Rest assured, out of the list you just read, sparkling water is the least likely to cause short or long-term issues with your teeth. Any beverage that contains sugars or acids can cause damage to tooth structure in the form of cavities and erosion. In particular, from that list, soda, wine, and juice are prominent culprits for cavities, tooth wear, and even stains. On the other hand, tea (when not mixed with sugar or milk) and sparkling water are less harsh on your teeth and will not cause cavities or tooth erosion.

A study using cadaver teeth was conducted to test the effects of sparkling water on the health of tooth structure over time. For comparison’s sake, when teeth are placed in soda, they begin to show signs of decay and rot away within days. Remember, soda contains both sugars AND acids. Alternatively, when teeth are placed in sparkling water, they don’t show any signs of change over many days, similar to teeth placed in natural spring water. It was thought that because sparkling water is slightly higher in acidity than spring water, erosion of tooth surfaces may occur, but this is not the case. Sparkling water is slightly more acidic but not enough to show changes to tooth surfaces.

So, when grabbing a beverage that is not spring water, carbonated water is one of the following best alternatives. Remember, any additives in the water may make the drink worse for your teeth, such as added flavours or sugars. Even citrus can make a beverage more acidic and erosive. Remember to also drink a healthy amount of natural spring water with added fluoride to help keep your teeth healthy and cavity-free.

If you have any questions about sparkling water, we encourage you to contact us today to schedule an appointment.

How to Properly Brush Your Teeth

How to Properly Brush Your Teeth

Circular Brushing Technique 

This brushing technique is excellent for children who are learning to brush their teeth. The toothbrush is positioned directly toward the teeth, the mouth can be open (one arch at a time) or closed (both arches at the same time), and the toothbrush is worked in a circular motion on the teeth and the gums. The brush should be pressed gently, not firmly, onto the teeth and gums. This technique is repeated throughout the entire mouth on the front and backsides of the teeth. For the biting surfaces, a back and forth scrubbing motion is used. 

Stillman’s Brushing Technique 

For Stillman’s brushing technique, the brush is placed at a 45-degree angle, partially on the teeth and partially on top of the gums. A slight vibrating motion is used to dislodge plaque from on top of the gum line. Next, a rolling stroke is used away from the gums. Continue this vibrating stroke, then rolling stroke around the mouth, top and bottom front and back. For the biting surfaces, a back and forth scrubbing motion is used. 

Bass Brushing Technique  

The Bass brushing technique utilizes a similar technique to Stillman’s, but the bristles are placed partially on the teeth and partially underneath the gum line. The vibrating motion helps the bristles of the toothbrush access underneath the gum line. This brushing technique is the best for removing plaque underneath the gum line for people with gingivitis. Again, for the biting surfaces, a back and forth scrubbing motion is used. 

Electric Toothbrush Technique 

The technique for electric toothbrushes is much different than for manual toothbrushes. The electric toothbrush does most of the work. You simply have to help it by moving it along to access all surfaces of all teeth. An electric toothbrush performs more brush strokes than you can do with your hand with a manual toothbrush. Electric toothbrushes either use an oscillating motion or a sweeping motion. Some electric toothbrushes even come with a pressure indicator to alert you if you apply too much pressure. 

If you have any questions about toothbrush techniques or whether to use an electric or a manual toothbrush, we encourage you to contact us to schedule an appointment


Why Are Sports Guards Necessary?

Why Are Sports Guards Necessary?

If you play or have ever played a contact sport, you have probably worn a sports guard. Sports guards are recommended for any sport where there is a risk of contact between people or inanimate objects such as sticks, balls or pucks. Sports guards are recommended for sports such as soccer, hockey, basketball, football and lacrosse.

Common Oral Injuries from Sports 

  • Tooth chips and fractures (when a break happens on the crown of a tooth)
  • Root fractures (when a break occurs on the root of a tooth)
  • Tooth avulsion (when a tooth gets knocked out)
  • Tooth intrusion (when a tooth gets pushing further into the jaw bone)
  • Tooth luxation (when a tooth moves from its original position and gets pushed back or forward in the jaw)

How Do Sports Guards Work? 

Sports guards work by absorbing a blow and dispersing it throughout the guard. The guard also acts as a cushion between upper and lower teeth to prevent traumatic tooth-on tooth injury. Sports guards prevent irreversible damage to the teeth and soft tissues of the mouth. 

Types of Sports Guards 

Boil and Bite – This type of sports guard is inexpensive but doesn’t offer the best protection because it is not designed specifically for your mouth. A boil and bite sports guard can be purchased at a store and requires the material to be heated up and then bit into to form a mould of your jaw. The sports guard won’t have the ideal fit, but it is better than not wearing a guard. Boil and bite sports guards are recommended for children whose mouths are growing and changing.

Professionally Made – The ideal sports guard is professionally made. A dental impression will be taken of your upper and lower teeth, and the sports guard will be fabricated based on the impressions. The sports guard will be fitted and adjusted to give the best fit. 

Caring for Your Sports Guard 

  • Store your sports guard in a case when not using it 
  • Clean your sports guard after each use with warm water and a separate toothbrush 
  • Never used hot water on your sports guard as it could warp the material.
  • If your sports guard is loose and you can pop it out with your tongue, it no longer fits properly and won’t offer the best protection, and a new guard should be made. 

If you are interested in having a sports guard made or have any questions about them, we encourage you to contact us today to schedule an appointment.

How to Keep Your Child’s Mouth Healthy

How to Keep Your Child’s Mouth Healthy

Ensuring that your child has a healthy mouth free of cavities and gum issues is vital, but it can be hard to know what to do to keep their mouth as healthy as possible. Listed below is an essential guide in maintaining the health of your child’s mouth:

  • Before teeth erupt in your baby’s mouth (around 6-10 months old), use a damp cloth to wipe your baby’s gums after milk.
  • Once the first baby teeth erupt (around 6-10 months old), start using a small-headed toothbrush to brush the teeth with water, after milk and before bed. 
  • All of your child’s teeth will be erupted by around 2.5 years old. 
  • There are 20 baby teeth in a full set, 12 front teeth, and eight back teeth. 
  • Reduce soother use and try to eliminate by the age of 2.5
  • To wean a soother, try cutting the tip of the soother off to reduce suction. 
  • Try to eliminate thumb sucking also around 2.5 
  • Both a soother and thumb sucking create a suction that can alter the shape of their jaw and affect how their teeth bite together. 
  • Make sure to brush your baby/child’s teeth after nursing and after bottles of milk. 
  • Never put your baby to bed with a bottle of milk, as exposure to the sugars in the milk can cause cavities. 
  • Begin using a fluoridated toothpaste around three years old, only using a size of the tip of a pen 
  • Bring your baby/child in for their first dental visit around 2.5-3 years old or earlier if there is a specific issue or concern. 
  • If you notice a chip or discoloured spot on your baby/child’s teeth, bring them to the dentist, as this might be a sign of a cavity. 
  • Begin flossing your child’s teeth around four years old. At this time, the spaces between their back molars will close together, increasing the risk for cavities. 
  • Help your child brush and floss their teeth until around the age of 7-8 to prevent the risk of cavities (in particular, at the age of 6, adult molars erupt at the back that is difficult for kids to access on their own) 
  • At any point, if there is trauma to your baby or child’s mouth, bring them immediately to the dentist.
  • If you notice a grey or yellow baby tooth, it may mean there was past trauma, and you should bring them to the dentist for a check. 

If you have any questions about how to keep your baby or child’s mouth healthy, contact us now to schedule an appointment