Benefits Of Choosing Dental Implants

Benefits Of Choosing Dental Implants

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are a type of tooth replacement option to replace missing or damaged teeth. A dental implant is a permanently fixed tooth replacement option, unlike a partial denture. The dental implant is a metal post that is bio-compatible with your body. The implant is surgically placed into the jawbone for maximum stability. This is similar to how natural teeth are fixed into the jawbone. Once the metal post is placed into the jawbone, the tooth crown portion is attached to the top of the metal post.

Benefits Of Dental Implants

Increased Confidence

Many people worry about loose or ill-fitting dentures. As a result, they may avoid smiling due to fear of the dentures slipping or moving around. Patients with dental implants report a higher sense of confidence when it comes to smiling for photos.


No Dietary Limits

Many denture wearers find that they have to adjust the type of foods they eat. This is because their dentures do not allow them to chew certain foods easily. Foods such as steak and corn can be challenging to eat with dentures or partial dentures. However, with dental implants, eating those foods are the same as when you eat with your natural teeth.

Bone Retention

Since your natural teeth are firmly located in the jawbone, the jawbone is stimulated, which in turn help with jawbone retention and prevents bone loss. Bone loss in the jawbone results in a sunken facial appearance. By having a dental implant placed in the bone like natural teeth, the jawbone is preserved, and the facial appearance can be retained.


With proper care and maintenance, dental implants can last a lifetime, same as your natural teeth. An added benefit of dental implants is that they cannot develop cavities or dental decay, unlike natural teeth.

If you are looking to replace a missing or lost tooth, dental implants should be first on your list of potential tooth replacement options along with a dental bridge and partial dentures. Contact us for more information.

How To Stay Healthy Between Dental Visits

How To Stay Healthy Between Dental Visits

We all love having that fresh mouth feeling after leaving the dental office. Why not keep that fresh mouth feel between your dental visits? Follow these tips to keep your smile healthy until your next dental visit.

Floss Regularly

flossing teeth toronto dentist west village dental

Regular flossing keeps your gums healthy and firm. Without adequate flossing, inflammation and gum disease occurs. Gums that are swollen, red, swollen and bleed easily when brushing and flossing are signs of gum disease. Many patients experience some bleeding during teeth cleaning if they do not floss enough or properly. Flossing and brushing at least once daily reduces the chances of gum disease. While it is recommended to floss after every meal, it is not always possible. However, flossing before sleeping is most beneficial if you can only floss once a day.

Use The Proper Brushing Technique

toothbrushing teeth toronto dentist west village dental

Brushing is only effective when the right technique is used. The rolling stroke brushing technique is easy to follow. Ask your dental professional to show you how to use the rolling stroke technique.

The technique differs when using an electric toothbrush. Your goal is to guide the electric toothbrush along the gumline since the brush is performing the brushing action. Be sure to apply pressure that is not too light or heavy.

Brushing for at least two minutes is recommended. However, you may need to brush longer depending on the health of your mouth.

Avoid Tooth-Staining Foods

During your teeth cleaning, some external stains from teeth are being removed. Avoid foods that easily stain teeth to reduce the frequency of dental cleanings needed. Foods that stain include coffee, tea, red wine, etc. Rinsing your mouth after having these foods. Habits such as smoking require more frequent cleanings as well.

Use Special Cleaning Tools

A regular flossing and brushing oral care routine works for most patients. However, sometimes special cleaning aids must be used for better reach or access. Your dental professional will recommend cleaning aids suited for your oral health.

Keep these tips in mind when it comes to your oral care routine for a healthy mouth between dental visits. Contact us to schedule your dental visit if it has been a while.

Tips To Keep Your Child’s Teeth Healthy

Tips To Keep Your Child’s Teeth Healthy

Keeping Your Child’s Teeth Healthy

While going to the dentist regularly is strongly encouraged, teaching your child good oral hygiene is arguably more important. Keeping your child’s teeth healthy is important to help the adult teeth come in properly. A good oral hygiene regimen includes both brushing and flossing. Brushing should be done 2 times per day – once in the morning and once just before bedtime. Flossing should be done before bedtime. When your child says they have brushed their teeth, it is best to check after. See if they did a good job, and cleaned all plaque from the front, back and tops of the teeth. They will appreciate their lovely smile when they are older. Prevention is the best way to avoid costly dental treatment

How Do I Know If My Child Is Brushing Properly?

Be in a well-lit area and pull their cheeks back. Plaque deposits usually accumulate along the gumline and can range in color from yellow to white, even colorless. If you are not sure, just use your clean fingernail to scrape gently along the tooth towards the gumline. Check to see if anything is stuck to your nail. If your child has brushed properly, there should be little to no plaque on your fingernails.

Alternatively, there are plaque disclosing solutions, tablets and mouth rinses available which will stain the plaque. The benefit of staining the plaque on the teeth is to give a clear visual cue on where leftover plaque is located after improper brushing. Use this as a teaching tool and have your child look in the mirror to see missed areas of brushing. Should there be some plaque remaining, you can guide their hand for them.

kids teeth healthy toronto dentist

When can I let my child brush themselves?

The general rule of thumb is 8 years old before a child can do a proper job of brushing their teeth. If you are diligent, it may be younger.  Brushing their own teeth is a life skill, and as such, it takes time to develop the necessary dexterity and technique to master it. The more experience your child has, the better they will get at it, and the sooner they will be able to do it themselves. Contact us to schedule your child’s next visit.

What Is A Dental Crown & Do You Need One?

What Is A Dental Crown & Do You Need One?

A dental crown is a hollow “cap” that is placed over a prepared tooth to restore the strength, function, and appearance of the tooth.

When are dental crowns needed?

After a root canal

A tooth that underwent root canal treatment is no longer living or vital. While this results in the tooth becoming more brittle and prone to breaking, a dental crown will preserve the strength of the tooth and prevent breakage.

Large fillings

Teeth with large fillings are weaker than a natural tooth. As a result, they are prone to breaking under the forces of chewing. However, a crown restores the strength of these compromised teeth.


If you have broken, worn, decayed, misshapen or discolored teeth, dental crowns improve the appearance of your smile. However, other tooth replacement options exist as well.

Full mouth rehabilitation

Severely worn teeth due to grinding or erosion need extensive dental treatment. Opening up, or enlarging the bite and restoring the appearance and function of the teeth may require dental crowns to be placed on one, or more teeth.

dental bridge in toronto dentist st clair west village dental

Dental bridge

A missing tooth that is replaced with a dental bridge, requires at least one dental crown. A dental crown covers the adjacent teeth on either side, and an artificial tooth fills in the space of the missing tooth.

Types of crowns:

dental crown toronto dentist st clair

There are different types of crowns available for you and your dentist to choose from. Some materials that crowns are made of include: gold or other metal alloys, ceramic, composite resin, porcelain or porcelain-fused-to-metal. The location in the mouth, aesthetics and durability are considered when deciding on the best type of crown to use.

How is a dental crown done?

This procedure is done in two separate appointments, giving time for the fabrication of the permanent dental crown.

First visit:

  • The dentist freezes the area first (this may not be necessary if there was a root canal).
  • The tooth is shaved down to make room for the crown to fit over the top.
  • Impressions or a scan of the tooth are taken and sent to the laboratory that makes the dental crown
  • A temporary crown is made and cemented to the tooth.

Second visit:

  • The dentist checks the shape, size, and colour of the crown to ensure it fits your smile perfectly.
  • The temporary crown is removed, and the permanent crown is cemented.
  • The dentist checks your bite to ensure your new crown functions properly.

How to care for your dental crown:

Thorough daily brushing and flossing are necessary to maintain a healthy mouth. While a dental crown adds strength to a tooth, it is still susceptible to gum disease and decay if not kept clean. Avoid very abrasive or whitening toothpaste that can scratch the crown and cause it to lose its luster. Additionally, ensure that you have regular dental check-ups so your dentist can monitor the health and condition of your teeth and dental work.

If you have any further questions about dental crowns, call us today! We would be happy to answer your questions or book a consultation with a dentist.

Tips To Help Overcome Dental Anxiety

Tips To Help Overcome Dental Anxiety

Dental Anxiety

Dental fear or anxiety affects many people. For some, it can stop them from getting the oral care that they need. Dental professionals see patients on a daily basis that have varying degrees of dental anxiety. You do not have to worry about being “a bad patient” or feel guilty or ashamed. Getting through the door is often the hardest part, and your dental professional recognizes that. Dental staff will work with you to ensure your comfort every step of the way.

Some tips to help you get through a dental appointment:

Find the right dentist

There are gentle and understanding dentists that are willing to help you face your fears and get the dental treatment you need and deserve.

Talk about it

Be open and upfront about your dental anxieties. Knowing what your fears are and what they stem from can help the dental staff make sure you have a positive experience. For some, it helps to have procedures explained to them, so they know what is happening during each step. Good communication will your dental professional is important.

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If the noises involved in dentistry increase your anxiety, bringing along your music or a podcast can help distract you.

Relaxation techniques

Knowing some easy relaxation techniques like controlled breathing can be helpful.

Take breaks if needed

If you need a break, it is okay to ask for one. If you need multiple dental procedures done, breaking them up into short, more manageable appointments may help you get through the treatment plan.

Pain control

If you have a fear of dental pain, it is important to know that there are different options for pain control. Even for a dental cleaning, there are options to keep you comfortable and pain-free. Talk to your dental professionals to discuss what might work best for you.

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Some people need sedation to assist them in getting through dental procedures. Talk to your dentist about options if you think this is something that would help you.

Practice excellent oral hygiene

Thorough brushing twice a day and daily flossing help to prevent cavities and keep your gums healthy. Choose healthy tooth-friendly foods and forgo the pop and candy. This will mean shorter and less complicated dental cleanings and hopefully prevent you from needing major dental work in the future.

Dental professionals know that your fears are real and will strive to be understanding and help you work through them. Just because you have dental anxiety today does not mean that you always will. Once you have some positive experiences at the dental office, your confidence and comfort level will grow. If your anxieties stem from a bad dental experience that happened a long time ago, know that dentistry has changed a great deal over the years and patient comfort is now of the utmost importance. If you are in need of dental care, call today!